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Job Guarantee from WeStride

Welcome to the Career Track (Professional Path) at WeStride We are dedicated to your success and will fully support your efforts WeStride offers a 100% tuition reimbursement guarantee if you do not secure a job within the designated time frame (as specified by WeStride’s terms and conditions) following the completion of your course and successful participation in WeStride

If you decide to change your career path, we will assist you with the process, using every effort to help you succeed WeStride relies on a signed agreement from you that outlines the steps to qualify for the job guarantee If you do not meet the conditions, you can still benefit from access to the program's resources

The Career Track that WeStride guarantees includes the following four tracks:

The job guarantee is only valid for the program track you are enrolled in with WeStride

Terms and Conditions for WeStride's Job Guarantee

You must meet the following eligibility criteria

If, for any reason, you cannot proceed with the job application process, WeStride will not consider this a violation of the agreement, and you will not lose your eligibility for support

"Job Guarantee Start Date" refers to the date when you complete all program requirements and have successfully passed all assessments with WeStride. Only from this date can the job guarantee period begin

"Job Guarantee Period" refers to the 6-month window after program completion, during which WeStride will offer job placement support. This period may be extended depending on circumstances


"A job that meets the guarantee" refers to positions in Full-Stack Development, UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, or Manual/Automate Software Testing as per the program you are enrolled in Examples include:

  1. Employment where you are paid a salary or hourly wage for at least 30 hours per week, whether onsite or remote, in a formal work environment and under remote work conditions
  2. Full-time work (30 hours or more per week), internships, or contract work that lasts for at least 3 months or more, whether onsite or remote
  3. Freelance work or other long-term employment arrangements where compensation is received and the work can be classified as permanent employment

"Minimum compensation clause" refers to the requirement that the job offers at least 15000 baht per month for positions that meet the guarantee WeStride may contact employers to verify job offers to ensure compliance with the terms

Your Commitment and Success

We expect you to fully engage in the program, follow our guidance, and immerse yourself in your studies at WeStride. We hope that you take your future career seriously and make every effort to ensure your success. Therefore, for you to qualify for WeStride’s job guarantee, you must adhere to the following

You must meet all the following requirements to complete the program:

Terms and Conditions of WeStride Job Guarantee

Please note that the following terms and conditions apply to the WeStride Job Guarantee

  1. Course Completion: You must successfully complete the course and all associated coursework in accordance with WeStride's guidelines. This includes any assignments, projects, and assessments
  2. Full Participation: You must actively participate in all WeStride programs and activities, including attending classes, workshops, and career coaching sessions. Your engagement with WeStride resources and support is essential for the success of the job guarantee program
  3. Job Search Commitment: You are required to actively seek employment in accordance with WeStride's job search guidelines. This includes creating a strong resume, practicing interview skills, and applying for suitable job opportunities
  4. Career Coaching: You must participate in career coaching sessions provided by WeStride to receive guidance and support throughout your job search.
  5. Job Acceptance: You must accept suitable job offers that align with your career goals and the scope of the WeStride program
  6. WeStride Platform Usage: You must utilize the WeStride platform to access course materials, connect with mentors, and track your job search progress
  7. Honesty and Transparency: You must be honest and transparent with WeStride regarding your job search activities, including any job offers you receive
  8. Job Search Effort: You must demonstrate a genuine and consistent effort in your job search. This includes actively applying for jobs, attending interviews, and following up with potential employers.
  9. Compliance with Laws: You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to your job search and employment
  10. Feedback and Evaluation: You must provide feedback on the WeStride program and participate in program evaluations.
  11. Program Changes: WeStride reserves the right to modify the job guarantee program or these terms and conditions at any time
  12. Force Majeure: WeStride is not liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, such as natural disasters, acts of war, or government regulations
  13. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration.
  14. Contact Information: You must maintain accurate contact information and promptly notify WeStride of any changes within 24 hours and no more than 3 times

If you have met all the specified conditions, you are eligible for a refund. You must submit the required documents and sign a declaration confirming that you have complied with all the terms and conditions and have not received any job offers within one month after the end of the guarantee period

I acknowledge and agree that WeStride has the right to modify the format, policies, and all agreements in the future without prior notice, as deemed appropriate by WeStride

As a participant in the WeStride career program, I have read and understood all the details of the job guarantee program. I therefore agree and consent to abide by all the terms and conditions